Rose Kallal

Rose Kallal

CV | Press | Exhibitions

Rose Kallal (b. 1965, Canada) is a multi disciplinary installation and performance artist using video, 16mm film and electronic sound. Kallal’s multiple projection installations, incorporating cycling patterns, analog video feedback and modular synthesizers, connect to video work from the 1970s and 1980’s and its rapid technological obsolescence. She precipitates a duality between the dissolving timeline of the graphics in the projections and the technology used to generate them. Analog feedback systems simulate the unfolding and collapsing of space and time with images and sound feeding unto themselves, much like the timeline unfolding beyond the physical confines of the projection.  These endless sensorial cycles of collapse and reemergence speak to the present yet constant digital dialogue while using outmoded expressions of the future. With a focus on obsolescence, Kallal forges a new progression within the space of her creations. She harkens the nostalgic past to hypothesize the fate of the future, merging all timelines into one immersive environment. Rose Kallal lives and works in New York.


Rosa Loy