Jessie Makinson
The Armory Show 2021
Booth P28
September 9 - 12
VIP Preview Day:
Thursday, September 9: 10am-8pm
VIP Exclusive Hours:
Friday, September 10: 10am–12pm
Saturday, September 11: 10am–12pm
Sunday, September 12: 10am–12pm
Public Days:
Friday, September 10: 12–8pm
Saturday, September 11: 12–8pm
Sunday, September 12: 12–7pm
Still in her summer fur, 2021, Oil on canvas, 78 3/4 x 65 inches, 200 x 165 cm
“To me, I see the paintings as communal spaces, completely open with hardly any walls. Like stages, they are spaces and platforms for events to occur and allow the figures to wander in and out, over ledges and across the divides of inside and outside. This non-hierarchical treatment of space and the figures and animals, reflects my interest in the reciprocal nature of space and ideas within posthumanism.
As I use found images for figure arrangements, I also use my own works for reference. In terms of world building, the change of scale hopes to impact how the paintings are received. Whether there is the invitation to step in, or to be dwarfed by a moment blown up. Whether we as the viewer do the looming or the paintings loom over us.”
—Jessie Makinson

Jessie Makinson, Who knocks?, 2021, Oil on canvas, 47 1/4 x 39 3/8 inches, 120 x 100 cm

Jessie Makinson, Time to be a tempest, 2021, Oil on canvas, 47 1/4 x 39 3/8 inches, 120 x 100 cm

Jessie Makinson, A murderer contemplated the color of my hair, 2021, Oil on canvas, 35 3/8 x 27 1/2 inches, 90 x 70 cm

Jessie Makinson, She showed a saucy tongue, 2021, Oil on canvas, 17 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches, 45 x 35 cm

Jessie Makinson, Sleepy maidens, 2021, Oil on canvas, 17 3/4 x 13 3/4 inches, 45 x 35 cm

Jessie Makinson, Piece of glare, 2021, Oil on canvas, 13 3/4 x 19 3/4 inches, 35 x 50 cm

Jessie Makinson, Me time, 2021, Oil on canvas, 78 3/4 x 129 7/8 inches, 200 x 330 cm

Jessie Makinson, Still in her summer fur, 2021, Oil on canvas, 78 3/4 x 65 inches, 200 x 165 cm

Jessie Makinson, Hello are you there?, 2020, Ply and acrylic

Jessie Makinson, My home my castle, 2020, Ply and acrylic

“When I think about fantasy, and this fantasy world I’ve made, I wonder whose fantasy it is. I am interested in fantasy as a vessel, as speculation, a space for questions, alternatives, realities, and contradictions.”
— Jessie Makinson